
“The Word of God is the king of words and its pervasive influence is incalculable.
It hath ever dominated and will continue to dominate the realm of being…
…The Word is the master key for the whole world
inasmuch through its potency
the doors of the hearts of men,
which in reality are the doors of heaven,
are unlocked…”

“The understanding of His words
and the comprehension of the utterances of the Birds of Heaven
 are in no wise dependent upon human learning.
They depend solely upon purity of heart, chastity of soul, and freedom of spirit.”


Utilize the daily focal points of the Bahá’í Calendar to prepare every day for life’s opportunities & challenges by aligning with the specific divine attributes of The Creator that are highlighted as designations for each day of the Bahá’í Calendar.

The purpose of this website is to highlight the daily focal points of the Bahá’í Calendar as the primary spiritual timeframe relevant to this current day & age to achieve greater spiritual alignment with the daily expression of the Will of The Creator.

Throughout the ages, this has always been the primary purpose of calendars utilized by Hindus, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Bábís & Bahá’ís.

The ancient astrology calendars of the indigenous wisdom-keeping traditions embodied in the Chinese, Druidic, Egyptian, Ifá & Mayan calendars are historical examples of calendars used as guidelines for daily aligning the flow of life’s routines & significant events with the daily changing expression of the Creator’s divine attributes.

The Báb & Bahá’u’lláh, the Twin Divine Manifestations for this current stage in humanity’s evolution, revealed the Bahá’í calendar as the new spiritual template of time to provide everyone with the current divine guideline for understanding how to synchronize all individual, institutional & community enterprises
with the divine attributes specifically highlighted by the Bahá’í Calendar daily.

This constitutes a great bounty available to anyone interested in a deepened understanding of the daily spiritual impact of divine energies upon the outcome of historical events, current affairs & future enterprises during the specific time frame of the one thousand and eighty-three years of the Bahá’í dispensation of Bahá’u’lláh.

Each day, month & year will highlight the virtue of its designated attributes, while also highlighting when there is a disappearance or misuse of those attributes during any given day, month, or year.

In a world of confusion, this calendar provides the pragmatic guidance of divine revelation to highlight daily the most excellent focal points for hearts & minds in the midst of challenging circumstances.

– In šá’ Alláh


Mitakuye oyasin,

Om Namaḥ Śivāya




Yá Bahá’u’l-El Bahá

“The winds of despair are, alas, blowing from every direction,
and the strife that divideth and afflicteth the human race is daily increasing.”


“Yet every human being and every group of individuals, irrespective of whether they are counted among His followers, can take inspiration from His teachings, benefiting from whatever gems of wisdom and knowledge will aid them in addressing the challenges they face.”

The Universal House Of Justice – Ridván 2010 Letter

Daily Selection of Sacred Verses
Bahá’í Daily Practices
The Core Teachings of the Bahá’í Faith
Bahá’í Faith – The Global Website
Bahá’í Prayers Website
Deeds Not Words
Calendar – Universal House of Justice clarification
Calendar – 172 B. E. – 221 B. E. Feast and Holy Days

Commencement date: Day 9, Names, in Names, the 9th month of the Bountiful Year 14 in the 9th cycle of the Unity of God in the 1st cycle of “all things” of the Bahá’í Dispensation.

Unveiling date: Day 12, Knowledge, in Names, the 9th month of the Bountiful Year 14 in the 9th cycle of the Unity of God in the 1st cycle of “all things” of the Bahá’í Dispensation.

Due to unavoidable constraints of time & circumstances impacting this project of individual initiative, please pardon any occasion publication may be significantly delayed due to errors or travel such as recent months spent completing a trip around the world, which included time at the Bahá’í World Center, Holy Shrines & Gardens on the Mt Carmel of the Torah & Bible in Haifa, Israel.

Any unauthorized commercial use of this site’s copyright material is strictly prohibited.

BahaiCalendarDaily.com (©2009-2024)